Call Now For a Free Quote: 905.625.4149
We specialize in Zinc Electroplating and Passivation
Location: 5441 Timberlea Blvd. Unit 2, Mississauga
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Zinc Electroplating

Custom Projects

Zinc Electroplating
Eastend plating Co. Ltd. offers a wide range of metal coating solutions. We specialize in the following:
-Clear/Silver Zinc (Trivalent) (RoHS Compliant)
-Yellow Zinc
-Black Zinc
-Passivation on stainless steel
-JS-500 (Equivalent Sealer)
-Acid Dip


Eastend Plating Custom Projects
Our facility is equipped to handle items for rack and barrel plating. We have our own in house chemistry laboratory and technician, giving us the ability to rigorously test and evaluate all electroplating solutions.

We continually work on improving our quality in order to remain competitive within our industry.

Plating Processes

Zinc electroplating
Here at Eastend plating Co. Ltd. We offer both rack and barrel plating options to guarantee accurate and quality finishing.

We make sure that each task is completed professionally and on time.

Eastend plating Co. Ltd.
Telephone: 905.625.4149
Zinc coating
Mississauga Zinc Coating Services
Eastend plating Co. Ltd. All rights reserved 2016.